Season 12 of American Idol concluded on May 16, 2013. Candice Glover and Kree Harrison were the two left standing.
As we wait for Ryan Seacrest to open the envelope and announce the winner let’s see who Luckalyzer says is having a better day (which the winner definately will be having).
You can see both contestants Luckalyzer reading for the night the winner is announced in the chart below.

In this situation we’ll ignore Intellect and Physical because the votes have been cast, all they need to do is stand there and look beautiful. So the only reading that matter is Emotional. Who is going to be the happiest?
Well we can clearly see Candice with a “G” (good) verses Kree with a “D” (danger). Canidice should be the winner. Ryan, please open the envelope and announce the winner: