In a previous post on celebrity deaths, I went over how to interpret your Luckalyzer Report to determine days where you could possibly die. In this post, I’ll examine the deaths of four sports figures who were warned of their bad luck, chose to ignore the warnings, and ended up dead.
Today we’ll examine the deaths of Thurmon Munson (catcher for NY Yankees), Fred Lane (Carolina Panthers running back), Dale Earnhardt Sr. (race car driver), and Chris Benoit (WWE wrestling star).
In the graphic below I display the Luckalyzer Charts of the four sports stars.

If you haven’t read my first post on how to determine deadly days, I suggest you do it now by clicking here:
The first sports figure, Thurmon Munson, died in a plane crash by his own hands, while learning how to land a plane. He was with two of his buddies having a good time (hence the green in Emotional), but made some stupid mistakes while landing (hence the red in Intellectual).
Thurmon’s death, along with the other three sports figures, occured two days before there was a VB or D in the Emotional column. This is the exact same signal we saw in our study of the other celebrities who died of unnatural causes.
Also, in my previous post, another consistent signal was a VB or D in the Intellectual column. You don’t see that here only because the majority of the previous celebrities died by suicide. In the above chart, only Chris Benoit died by suicide and he DOES have the VB in Intellectual.
Fred Lane was shot and killed by his wife. You can see he has red for Emotional (usually see this when spouses fight). Fred was killed during a domestic dispute with his wife (not smart to argue with your wife, especially on bad Emotional day, which is why he has red in Intellectual).
Dale Earnhardt Sr was killed while racing. he has extremely bad luck in two of his cycles but Intellectual was good. According to witnesses, his car suddenly shifted lower causng an accident that seemed to be almost over when another car slammed into his, propelling his vehicke into the wall at 180 MPH. Later investigation revealed the accident was not the fault of Dales (hence the green in Intellectual).
Chris Benoit murdered his wife and son then killed himself. Looking at his chart you can see all the red up to the days of the murders (two days before his suicide) and suicide. Chris was definately experiencing extreme bad luck which led him to kill. You can see he is the only one on our chart with all red and he is the only one on the chart to kill himself.
Once again, with these sports figures, we have seen that days where there is a VB or D in the Emotional column (on that day or within two days) there is a higher chance you will face death by unnatural causes than at any other time.
I hope this information will help you pinpoint days you could possibly die. Mark them on your calendar and then proceed with caution on those days. Don’t fight with your spouse or loved ones, and don’t do anything with a high degree of danger for those three days.
There you have it. Now you’ll be able to spot the days where you could die. However to do this you’ll need to sign up for your FREE Luckalyzer account today. Click here to sign up.