On January 8th 2011 a crazed gunman opened fire at a political rally. Many were injured and two people were killed. One of those wounded was Congresswoman Giffords who was shot in the head at point blank range.
Doctors claim she should be dead yet Gifford’s survives and continues to recover. Because of that some websites are claiming that only the anti-Christ can survive such a wound.
At Luckalyzer™, we know better. We know it was destiny based on Congresswoman Giffords luck as foretold by Luckalyzer™.
First you need to understand what the “death signal†looks like so you can easily spot it in your reports. Check out these two posts were I explain what it is based on real life cases:
How to spot the death signal.
More stars ignore death signal and die.
On the day of the fatal shooting in Tucson, Judge Roll had the death signal and as a result was killed that day.
Congresswoman Giffords luck that day, while close to a death signal, it was not. In this post I’ll explain why. Take a look at Gifford’s Luckalyzer report below:

As you see she has a DANGER in her Physical column (row 1). Sure enough, her physical body suffered extreme damage. She also had another element of the classic death signal, a VB or D in the Emotional column within two days of her near death (row 2).
So why did she live and so many others have died? Her overall luck that day was good (of the three areas for luck, two were green that day). Most all of our other test cases that died, including Judge Roll who was shot and killed that day, had bad overall luck (two or more columns that day are red).
Of the people who die unexpectedly, most all have two or more red columns on the day of death. Usually the Emotional column is red on the day of death. In Gabrielle Giffords case, she had green in her Emotional column and overall had two green columns and one red.
It is this overall good luck that helped save her life from a point-blank gunshot wound.
Don’t be caught off guard. Join Lucklayzer™, the world’s most accurate luck analyzer today and start checking your luck for free.