How would you like to come home and your house is an inch deep in water?
That’s what happened to me today (August 14, 2010). My house was flooded. First time in my life.

I checked my 30-Day Luckalyzer Report and here is what it showed:

Luckalyzer™ was right, I was having some bad luck. I spent Aug 14 and 15 sucking up water and minimizing damage. Will spend Aug 16 with contractors and insurance, etc..
The MOST interesting thing here is, how Luckalyzer was actually able to pinpoint how the flood started. The unluckiest column is Intellectual. BINGO! Give Luckalyzer™ a prize.
This flood was not started by a bust pipe. This flood was started from my own stupidity. You see I was watering my flowerbed, which is up next to the front wall of my house.
My neighbor came over to borrow something so I put the hose in the flower bed for a few minutes while I get what the neighbor wanted. Well a few minutes turned into an hour and a half. As I walked into my home and sloshed through the carpet I realized the water was still running.
Luckalyzer pinpointed my bad luck and even picked exactly how it would occur. If only I had checked my report earlier in the day, maybe I would have changed something. As is, this bad luck will cost me $2,000 for my insurance deductible.
Don’t let bad luck happen to you. Get your Luckalyzer™ Report here and don’t be blindsided like I was.