Where can I find more information on all the things I can do with Luckalyzer?
We have two great resources for you:
Click here to view all the features of Luckalyzer.
Click here to read about all the features of Luckalyzer.
Is Luckalyzer real?
Yes. We have extensive proof from tests to testimonials on our blog. All this is possible because of the works of two doctors and a mathematician.
How does it work?
Luckalyzer is based on real medical science. Click here to see how Luckalyzer works.
Where can I find proof this works?
One of the best and easiest ways to check is to go back into history. Upgrade to Premier Access and you’ll be able to run reports for the past to see if events actually matched the Luckalyzer reading. Celebrities are good for this. You can easily find a celebs birthdate on the internet and then match up their readings with the news stories about them. Read these true stories of celebs that ignored their readings and met their ultimate bad luck.
How can I change my bad luck to good?
This is an old video, but the information is just as good. Watch this video to see how you can change your luck.
What is this “Death Signal” I keep hearing about?
When people die an unnatural death (accident, murder, suicide, etc..), on the day they die, most all of them died on a certain day in their cycle. This has come to be known as the “Death Signal”. Click here to read how to find the “Death Signal” in your report
Can Luckalyzer really increase my luck?
Think of luck as the tides of an ocean. Luck goes go up and luck goes down. Just like the tides. And like the tides of an ocean, luck is also on a cycle that can be timed. If you wanted to launch a boat, wouldn’t you have better luck launching at high tide versus low tide? The same goes with everything you do in life, you’ll have better luck doing them on days when your luck is at “high tide”. Luckalyzer finds those days for you and alerts you in advance so you make the most of your luck.
Do you have any success stories?
Yes we get many, and you are always welcome to leave your own stories here. I recommend you also read about Luckalyzer’s success at the World Series of Poker when it came to predicting the lucky and unlucky players at this event.
How can I save my 60-Day Calendar to my computer?
In this great video it shows not only how to save your Luckalyzer calendar to your computer, but also how to save it to your desktop. Having your calendar on your desktop allows you to never never miss another lucky day again.