On Friday April 13th, Former Bee Gees singer Robin Gibb fell into a coma after contracting pneumonia. Family members are reportedly keeping vigil at his bedside.
For seven days Robin remained in his coma until April 20, when he miracously awoke.
A quick check of Robin’s luck finds Luckalyzer, not only pinpointing the exact day Robin Gibb’s bad luck began, but also the exact length of it.
Take a look at Robin’s actual luck reading (users with Premier Access can run Robin’s report to verify this).

On the Luckalyzer chart above we see that Robin’s bad luck began on the day he fell into a coma. Notice also, his good luck (the green) started to appear the exact same day he came out of a coma.
Coincedence? We don’t think so. We see this happen way to often to just be a coincedence. Luckalyzer once again successfully pinpoints another persons bad luck.