In this post I will examine how we can use Luckalyzer to handicap and pick the winner of a boxing match, based solely on luck alone.
I went to Wikipedia and randomly chose 8 Lennox Lewis fights. In the graph below you will see the date of the fight. The outcome of the fight as well as who it was against and the opponents birthday (so you can verify these readings yourself).
I then took that info and ran the reading of how much luck each boxer would have on the night of the fight. I’ve listed Luckalyzer’s reading of each boxer as well as converting that reading into a number that can be used for comparisons (please see the chart in the upper right of the graphic). Here is how each boxer compared against the other on the night of the fight:

Now that you have data to work with, it’s time to handicap. If you use the following three rules, you would have picked all 8 winners (EVEN picking Rahmen at 20-1 to win. We cleaned up there.) :
Rule 1:
Choose the boxer that has a “G” or “VG” for the middle letter (this rates their Physical abilities). ex: on 9/24/94 above, McCall had a reading of “B G B”. The middle letter is a “G” and is thus our selection to win. NOTE: If both boxers qualify, choose the one with the higher number (found below their reading).
Rule 2:
If neither of the boxers qualified above, then look for a “G” or “VG” to be the letter on the left of the reading (this represents who will be the happiest, hence a good indicator of being the winner). ex: on 4/21/01 when the longshot Rahmen beat Lennox, Rahmen had a “G” while Lennox had a “B”. Clearly Rahmen was going to be happier that day then Lennox. And history showed that he was, after he won.
Rule 3:
If neither boxer qualifies under the above two rules, I have one more. Choose the boxer that has the most ranking points (based on the system as outlined in the graphic). If both boxers have the same points, bet on the one offering the better odds.
Summary: Following the above three rules, a bettor would have won 7 and tied on one. How well would it do on other boxers? We have not run the tests on them but you are more than welcome to run some of your own to verify the ease and simplicity of using Luckalyzer to handicap professional prize fights.
The first thing you will need is FREE Luckalyzer account. Then you can upgrade that FREE account to PREMIER ACCESS at which point you’ll be able to do readings on as many people as you want. It can be in the past or in the future. You can get all the birthdates you need off the internet and start creating your own system for beating the bookies.
Please note, just because this has worked in the past does not mean it will work in the future. Prize fights have been known to be fixed and there will always be risk.