Finding Fame With Luckalyzer

I’m not sure it is possible to become famous with Luckalyzer. Becoming famous takes more than one day of effort. Some folks have had to work years at it. Those who become famous overnight usually lose it just as fast.

Nevertheless, if your goal is to increase your chances of becoming famous, then watch this short video and I’ll explain how I would use Luckalyzer to improve my chances of success.

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Learn More On How To Improve Your Life With PREMIER ACCESS

How To Find The Death Signal

In this article I’ll show you how to use Luckalyzer to find days where you can die. Once you have pinpointed a deadly day, you can then take the appropriate action to avoid your death. Let’s get started.

There are only two ways to die in this world, natural or unnatural causes. Let’s face it, we are all going to die some day of natural causes. Our bodies do not last forever. Luckalyzer can not predict days you will die of natural causes because that type of death is normal. It is not caused by good or bad luck, it’s just your time.

With that said, if your life is cut short and you die of unnatural causes, that can be predicted because that is pure bad luck. In order to recognize such deadly bad luck it’s best to study the Luckalyzer Charts of celebrities who met their death through unnatural causes to see if there is any similarities.

In the graphic below I display the Luckalyzer Charts of five celebrities who died of unnatural causes (James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, John Lennon, Elvis Presley, and Michael Jackson). I like to use celebrities because anyone can look up the birth and death date to confirm what I’m about to reveal to you.

I’ll first discuss how each celebrity died (in order to show how well Luckalyzer works) and then I’ll examine the similarities in the charts so you’ll know what to look for.

The first celebrity, James Dean, died in a car accident. He was in physical good shape and had no emotional problems (unlike the other celebrities). What caused his death was just some bad decisions on his part (see the VB in Intellectual).

James Dean had a Porsche he needed to transport to a race in Northern California. He had originally planned to tow it but at the last minute decided to drive it instead (bad choice #1). His second bad decision came when he saw a car about to turn in front of him. James Dean assumed the other driver would see him and yield the right of way (according to a passenger in his car who survived). Instead of slowing down, he continued heading towards the other driver resulting in the accident that killed him. According to Luckalyzer, he should have avoided using his brain that day and he would have cheated death.

John Lennon could have avoided his death by staying indoors (thus avoiding his murder). You can see in his chart he has nothing but a lot of bad luck. With this type of luck you really should stay home.

Michael Jackson has an interesting yet accurate chart of his death. According to accounts he was practicing for an upcoming tour and was in good physical shape (hence the green in Physical). However, after practice he made a (deadly) decision to ask his nurse to administer drugs that would help him sleep. The nurse refused so he became emotional (another deadly mistake here) and begged for the drugs (which were eventually given and killed him). Avoiding decisions and not becoming emotional would have saved Micheal’s life.

Marilyn Monroe is an interesting case. Found dead in her home of a drug overdose doctors rules it a suicide. However, according to reports (and evedince supports this theory) it was either murder or manslaughter. It seems her doctor administered a drug but he was unaware that she was also taking a different drug. The two drugs together caused her accidental death. If you look at her Luckalyzer Chart you’ll see the green in Intellectual also supports that she did not do anything stupid like commit suicide.

Finally we get to Elvis. Elvis’s chart is very similar to John Lennon. Elvis did stay inside. However even that didn’t stop him from dying. Elvis made a lot if bad decisions in a very bad emotional state. He consumed large amounts of drugs into his body which caused his death.

Notice how each of their deaths lined up with their Luckalyzer readings. By avoiding the areas of their life marked as bad luck these deaths could have been avoided. Now lets examine how you can avoid the same fate.

Notice how in all the charts there is a “D” or a “VB” in Emotional within two days of their deaths? The exception is Marilyn Monroe. I’ve tried looking for the time of her death to see if it was close to midnight. Perhaps the time of death might be a few minutes off (resulting in the wrong day being listed on her death certificate) which might explain why she has a “D” three days later instead of two. My advice, be careful of all days where there is a “D” or “VB” in Emotional for the day, or in the next two days.

Also look at Intellectual. Notice that there is a double “D” or a double “VB” on that day or within one day. Again, the only exception is Marilyn Monroe. If you take this signal, along with the signal in the previous paragraph, then you’ll have a day where you could potentially die.

The best way to spot these signals is with Premier Access to Luckalyzer. With Premier Access you’ll be able to see into the future so you can easily find these deadly days. Click here to learn more about Premier Access.

Whant more proof? Click here to read a case study on sports figures who ignored their Luckalyzer warnings and met their untimely deaths.

Find Your Love Mate

Having trouble finding the love of your life? Use Luckalyzer to find your love.

Luckalyzer tracks luck for your three life cycles. If you are looking for a serious, long-term relationship then you’ll need all three of your life cycles to be extreme lucky and here’s why.

Love has a LOT to do with your emotions, so you’ll definately need a super lucky (marked VG or G) Emotional cycle.

If you are looking for just raw sexual pleasure, such as a one night stand, include the Physical cycle also.

Now check your Luckalyzer report for a day where Physical and Emotional are both very lucky. These are the best days to go look for raw passion (this works great for married folks who want their own wild night of love).

With that said, if we want a more serious, long-term, and successful relationship, you should also throw in Intellectual. It will cut down on the number of lucky days to achieve your objective, but you’ll have a much better chance of success.

You want your mate to look beyond the “Physical” beauty and more at your “Intellectual” beauty. When your Intellectual cycle is lucky, your intellegence shines more giving a better impression of yourself.

Also when your Intellegence is lucky, you’ll make better decisions when it comes to finding long lasting love and less inclined to follow your past mistakes when picking a partner.

Well I hope this tip helps you find your true love. For more tips on using Luckalyzer to improve your life, click on the “tips” link. Also, don’t forget to use the the links below to share this post with your friends. Friends, don’t let their friends be unlucky.

Luckalyzer Passes Luck Predicting Test

Luckalyzer Passes Luck Predicting Test

The poker website recently challenged Luckalyzer to an extensive test in an effort to prove the software really can predict a person’s future luck.

We at Luckalyzer are happy to report, we passed. Most importantly, gave us the documented proof that Luckalyzer really can foretell when good or bad luck will strike you. Check out this proof:

Test Conditions:
We need a controlled environment (so tests won’t be interrupted)
We need dozens of lucky and unlucky events to occur (to prove accuracy)
We need these events to occur within a relatively short time span of 14 hours
We need that time span spread over two days (test luck on two different days)
We need many individuals to make predictions on (to prove accuracy)
We need documented results (so anyone can verify our claims)

Test Setting: chose to test Luckalyzer at the 2010 World Series of Poker. This one poker tournament would fit all the qualifications needed.

It would be indoors at the Rio in Las Vegas with a Tournament Director that would oversee everything was run fairly. We would have nine contestants whose birthdays (the data we need to run their luck) we could easily get. The data of the hands played and results are documented at so anyone can easily verify this information.

The tournament is expected to last 14 hours (so it won’t take long to get our results) and over two different days (November 6th and 7th of 2010). During those hours we will witness dozens of times when someone will get lucky and someone will be unlucky.

Let me explain what I define as “lucky” or “unlucky” when it comes to poker. In a poker tournament there are many occasions where two players put all their chips in, BEFORE the flop, turn, or river card is shown. In these situations there is no more skill. One player will be on the short end of the odds and will need to get lucky (beat the odds) to win the hand. It is these hands that were tested.

Now that you know the conditions of the test, how well did Luckalyzer do?

There were 11 hands where Luckalyzer predicted the underdog would win. Of those 11 predictions, Luckalyzer was correct 64% of the time!

What makes that number even more important is that, according to the odds, the underdog in those hands should have only won 17% of the time.

Because the underdog in these situations was the luckier of the two players, he consistently beat the odds by almost 4x! Big score for Luckalyzer.



Test #2: Overall Luck

Forget small individual luck tests, how well did Luckalyzer do at predicting overall luck in the tournament?

Luckalyzer predicted Mizrachi and Cheong to be the luckiest over the 14 hours. Mizrachi and Cheong were the ONLY two players in the whole tournament that were able to take the chip lead away from Duhamel, the tournaments chip leader (and eventual winner). Mizrachi went from 7th to chip leader (amazing feat), and Cheong went from third to first.

Luckalyzer predicted Senti, Dolan, and Duhamel as the worst luck. Senti went out quickly in seventh. Dolan started in second position but quickly went out in sixth (amazing bad luck), and Duhamel who started with a commanding chip lead, was all-in and one hand away from being knocked out in fifth.

According to these results, if these five players had all started with even chips, Luckalyzer would have been 100% correct, however, since some players started with 5x more chips than others, Luckalyzer could only get close as it takes more than luck to win a tournament.

Some Other Interesting Results

There was ONLY one pot that was a tie at the final table and it was Mizrachi and Cheong who divided. The strange thing is, Luckalyzer predicted these two with equal luck. Since they were both so lucky, they couldn’t beat each other.

During the course of the 14 hours there were 30 hands shown. In three of these each player had equal luck, so we’ll skip those. Of the remaining 27 hands, those players marked luckier than their opponents won 59% of all showdowns (doesn’t matter if they were the favorite or the underdog).

Click here to download an Excel spreadsheet with detailed results.

In conclusion, Luckalyzer proved it really does work. While not 100%, the tests clearly show that Luckalyzer has the ability to predict good luck. Get your personal reading now and don’t miss out on your good luck days. Click to check your luck now!

Luckalyzer Predicts Bad Luck That Caused Flood

How would you like to come home and your house is an inch deep in water?

That’s what happened to me today (August 14, 2010). My house was flooded. First time in my life.

My Flooded House

I checked my 30-Day Luckalyzer Report and here is what it showed:

My Luckalyzer reading for Aug 14, 2010

Luckalyzer™ was right, I was having some bad luck. I spent Aug 14 and 15 sucking up water and minimizing damage. Will spend Aug 16 with contractors and insurance, etc..

The MOST interesting thing here is, how Luckalyzer was actually able to pinpoint how the flood started. The unluckiest column is Intellectual. BINGO! Give Luckalyzer™ a prize.

This flood was not started by a bust pipe. This flood was started from my own stupidity. You see I was watering my flowerbed, which is up next to the front wall of my house.

My neighbor came over to borrow something so I put the hose in the flower bed for a few minutes while I get what the neighbor wanted. Well a few minutes turned into an hour and a half. As I walked into my home and sloshed through the carpet I realized the water was still running.

Luckalyzer pinpointed my bad luck and even picked exactly how it would occur. If only I had checked my report earlier in the day, maybe I would have changed something. As is, this bad luck will cost me $2,000 for my insurance deductible.

Don’t let bad luck happen to you. Get your Luckalyzer™ Report here and don’t be blindsided like I was.

Luckalyzer Predicts My Lucky Win At WSOP

In this article I put Luckalyzer to the test. Can it really predict lucky days? For my test I’m going to use the 2010 World Series Of Poker currently being held at the Rio in Las Vegas.

First I check my Luckalyzer Report for any days in the near future that are extremely lucky. After running my report, here is what I saw:

My luck analyzed for 5/31/2010

As you can see above, my luck turned all green (good things will just happen) on May 27th and would continue until June 2, 2010. So I put in for a vacation so I could take advantage of this short period of amazing good luck.

I’ve always had a dream to go to Las Vegas and play in the World Series Of Poker. What better place to test Luckalyzer the luck analyzing software, then at the prestigous World Series Of Poker!

I packed my bags and by 10:00 AM on May 31st, 2010 I was actually standing on the convention floor of the World Series Of Poker. I had arrived with $500 in my pocket and a plan. The plan was to take that $500 and play in three one-table tournaments and see how my luck worked. Was it really as good as Luckalyzer claims?

In the first event, I went all in with the best hand and was called by a player who had ONLY three outs to win. Naturally, his card hit and I was out, losing the $175 buy-in fee.

I was upset. How could Luckalyzer let me down. It’s always been accurate at predicting my bad luck, why not the good? Some folks may have given up and claimed the software doesn’t work. However, I know one test is not enough.

I took some time to calm down and think the situation over. My plan was to play three and make a determination then on the accuracy of the software that runs Luckalyzer.

In my second one-table tourney I found myself heads up, and even on chips with my opponent. He suggested we end here and split the winnings ($1,620). I agreed and pocketed $810 – $175 entry fee = $635 profit!

The third one-table found me in the final three with the smallest amount of chips. I quickly asked for a split, the other two agreed, and I pocketed $540 – $175 entry = $365 profit.

You can see my buy-in receipts below. When all was said and done, I made a profit of $825. It was my first World Series Of Poker win and I did it in about two hours.

receipts for my World series Of Poker buyins

But Hold On… It’s Not Over Yet, It Gets Even Crazier!

I beat the World Series Of Poker, maybe I was just lucky at cards. Luckalyzer says I should be real lucky so testing just one game was not enough. I wanted to test my luck on other games.

I went to the Let It Ride table. On my very first hand I made a straight. With a 20 bet and $1 on the bonus, I just won $125!

I left that table and went to try my luck at the poker room. I found a seat in the busy room and bought in. The dealer asked for a player card and I said I didn’t have one. Another player suggested I get one because new players who play one hour get $25 bonus from the casino. Sweet.

I got the card and played exactly one hour. At the end of that hour I went and collected my $25. I went and cashed in my chips for a profit of $160 in that hour. $160 + $25 bonus = $185. I just made another $185 for that hour!

Ok poker has been fantastic. Now lets try the video poker. I went to the video poker bar for a drink and to test my luck at the video poker machine. I put in $20 and immediatly hit four of a kind! I played three more hands, hit nothing and quit with a profit of $145 in a matter of minutes!

Everything I touched turned to gold. Time for one more test before going home to bed. There was a $120 buy-in poker event being held that evening at 7pm. I bought into the tournament and boy was I shocked when I looked at my seat assignment (see photo). They had givem me Table 77 Seat 7. 777! Is this an ominous signal of whats to come?

Unfortunately my luck didn’t work at this event. Well you can’t expect to win everything could you? I got knocked out before making it into the money so no profit here, just a loss of $120 on this event.

After testing Luckalyzer for a full day, I definately was lucky as claimed. My overall winnings by the end of the day were: $825 + $125 + $145 + $185 – $120 = $1,160 in profits!

If you are ready to cash in like I did, I recommend you check your luck now to see if you have a lucky day coming.

Bird Poops On Frigid Woman

A Luckalyzer™ user recently related an interesting success story.

Cheryl has a husband who works the graveyard shift. On May 21, he come home after his shift feeling a little frisky. Hoping his wife would help him with his problem, he woke her up.

Unfortunately for him, Cheryl was not in the mood and refused him.

Later that day while Cheryl was walking to her car after work, a bird flew over and actually pooped on her. Have you ever had a bird poop on you? I never had and I’m 52 so the odds have to be high.

Wondering why she was so devoid of love for her husband this morning, AND why she was so unlucky to have a bird poop on her, she turned to Luckalyzer™.

When she got home she quickly ran her free daily report and saw the following:

Luckalyzer Reading

Her Physical luck was so bad it warned Cheryl to stay indoors (and therefore, the bird could not poop on her). In addition, her Emotional luck was Bad which explained the negative mood for sex with her husband.

We here at Luckalyzer™ wish Cheryl the best. Hang in there, your luck will get better soon.

Freak Occurance Crashes Luckalyzer Website

Talk about bad luck, for the last two days the Luckalyzer™ Monthly Reports have been unavailable for new users and for those who have already bought reports.
As of this writing I am unsure when we will be able to get back online.

If you have paid for a report and can’t access it, I am working on it but give me some time. I am currently going through EXTREME bad luck. Here’s my daily report for April 20, 2010, the day the Luckalyzer™ website crashed while I was coding new features (even my report says I should not be thinking):

Today is April 21, 2010 and below is my daily reading for today:

I heard today from my tech people that the problem was caused by a digital file (the code for the website) that got stuck during the upload process. Because of this the code would not execute.

I have been coding website for over 15 years and I have never seen such a thing happen. A piece of digital code can get stuck in Internet space and crash a website? I can see if it was a real physical bird flying into a real plane engine causing a crash, but this?

That is EXTREME bad luck.

I beg everyone for patience during this terrible time and I will get the Luckalyzer™ Monthly Reports working soon. Tomorrow my Intellectual cycle will be experiencing good luck so I should be able to fix everything then.

My Bad Luck Success Story

I use Luckalyzer and I must admit that even I sometimes forget to consult my chart on occassion.

One such occasion increased my bad luck and caused me to throw my back out. It’s been two days and it’s very painful for me to leave the bed (the only place I can get comfortable and avoid pain).

The funny thing is, if I would only have practiced what I preached and checked my Luckalyzer reading that morning, I would have been warned.

Take a look at the below graphic taken from my Luckalyzer Report and read my success story.

Success Story

On March 15 it was a warm sunny day in Southern California. I was laying by the pool just relaxing. Then I got this STUPID idea to do a little stretching while I worked on the tan.

That was mistake #1. Look at the chart above and you see my INTELLECTUAL is marked as bad. I should not have done any thinking that day and just layed there enjoying the rays.

To make matters worse, my decision was to do something PHYSICAL, not EMOTIONAL (which would have been the wise thing to do). Notice in the above graph that PHYSICAL is marked as EXTREME DANGER.

I ignored it and ended up throwing my back out and was bed ridden for two days before getting my health back.