Mark Zuckerberg Uses Luckalyzer?

Unless you are living in a cave you’ve probably read the news that on May 18, 2012 Mark Zuckerberg took Facebook public. It was the biggest IPO in history.

What you may not know, is that the next day, Mark married Priscilla Chan.

If we take a look at Mark’s Luckalyzer reading (below) we find that Mark’s luck was running bad until May 18, 2012 when his WISDOM cycle (combination of Intellectual and Emotional) became extremely lucky. It was on that day he successfully pulled off the largest IPO in history.

Mark only had a three day window where his WISDOM was running extremely lucky (all green). So not only did he do the IPO on the 18th, he got married on the 19th to insure a long and happy marriage.

Mark Zuckerberg's good luck predicted by Luckalyzer.

In hindsight, either Mark Zuckerberg’s good fortune and happy marriage was predicted by Luckalyzer, or Mark Zuckerberg used Luckalyzer to plan his IPO and marriage to occur on lucky days.

UPDATE: On May 21, 2012, Marks luck went to bad, especially Emotional. On that day, the value of Marks company, Facebook, dropped 10% ($10 billion wiped out). The next day, the 22nd, another $8 billion of value out the window. You can see from the chart above that his Emotional had gone bad. Something bad was going to happen. Now we know what it is.

Achieve Wealth With Luckalyzer

If you did a study on the wealthiest (refering to money wealth) people you will probably notice that along with hard work, they all seemed to be in the right place at the right time.

You may have even noticed this in your life. You invest in the stock market only to see it crash a week later. Maybe you bought into real estate only to see the bottom fall out a month later. In your case the timing is all wrong.

With Luckalyzer, you’ll now know when the right time is. If you only invest or gamble on your lucky days the chances of you being successful increase over 400% (according to our tests). Soon everyone will think of you as being in the right place at the right time (and you will be with Luckalyzer).

Here’s what to look for. If you have Standard Access and running Daily Reports, look for all three of your life cycles to be green. It should look like this:

With Premier Access the software actually interprets the chart and posts the days in the future where your best chance of winning money lies. In the picture below I’m looking 90 days into the future and Luckalyzer has picked 5 days where I will be super lucky. I have won a lot of money on days I have found here. If you don’t have Premier Access I suggest you get it as this feature alone should win you enough to pay for the service plus more.

I do want to make a note. There is no guarantee you will win money on these days. Luckalyzer is not predicting that. It is simply predicitng you will be lucky.

To put that in perspective. In our tests your chances of winning by playing on these days increase 400%. This means if you play a game of chance where the odds state you have a 20% chance of winning, you should win about 80% of the time when gambling on a lucky day.

Now lets look at this with a really long shot such as the lottery. If the odds are 32 million to one that you will hit the lottery then the odds dictate that should you buy 32 different tickets, your odds are now 1 million to 1. Still a long shot.

However, if you buy the same 32 lottery tickets on a super lucky day, your odds of winning have now dropped from 1 million to 1 to about 250,000 to 1. Still no guarantee of winning, but those are some really nice odds now.

What if you bet on Roulette? Haven’t tested this but this should work. Picking a single number to hit should hit 2.63% of the time. That’s one out of 38 times. For a payout of 35-1 you can see it’s a losing proposition.

Now if you play on a super lucky day your odds should increase to you winning one out of every 10 bets. At 35 -1 and winning once every 10 times, you can see how wealthy you could get. For every $250 you bet (10 x $25), you should get back $875 ($25 x 35). Anyone want to test this for me?

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find more information on all the things I can do with Luckalyzer?
We have two great resources for you:
Click here to view all the features of Luckalyzer.
Click here to read about all the features of Luckalyzer.

Is Luckalyzer real?
Yes. We have extensive proof from tests to testimonials on our blog. All this is possible because of the works of two doctors and a mathematician.

How does it work?
Luckalyzer is based on real medical science. Click here to see how Luckalyzer works.

Where can I find proof this works?
One of the best and easiest ways to check is to go back into history. Upgrade to Premier Access and you’ll be able to run reports for the past to see if events actually matched the Luckalyzer reading. Celebrities are good for this. You can easily find a celebs birthdate on the internet and then match up their readings with the news stories about them. Read these true stories of celebs that ignored their readings and met their ultimate bad luck.

How can I change my bad luck to good?
This is an old video, but the information is just as good. Watch this video to see how you can change your luck.

What is this “Death Signal” I keep hearing about?
When people die an unnatural death (accident, murder, suicide, etc..), on the day they die, most all of them died on a certain day in their cycle. This has come to be known as the “Death Signal”. Click here to read how to find the “Death Signal” in your report

Can Luckalyzer really increase my luck?
Think of luck as the tides of an ocean. Luck goes go up and luck goes down. Just like the tides. And like the tides of an ocean, luck is also on a cycle that can be timed. If you wanted to launch a boat, wouldn’t you have better luck launching at high tide versus low tide? The same goes with everything you do in life, you’ll have better luck doing them on days when your luck is at “high tide”. Luckalyzer finds those days for you and alerts you in advance so you make the most of your luck.

Do you have any success stories?
Yes we get many, and you are always welcome to leave your own stories here. I recommend you also read about Luckalyzer’s success at the World Series of Poker when it came to predicting the lucky and unlucky players at this event.

How can I save my 60-Day Calendar to my computer?
In this great video it shows not only how to save your Luckalyzer calendar to your computer, but also how to save it to your desktop. Having your calendar on your desktop allows you to never never miss another lucky day again.

Robin Gibb’s Super Unlucky Day Causes Coma

On Friday April 13th, Former Bee Gees singer Robin Gibb fell into a coma after contracting pneumonia. Family members are reportedly keeping vigil at his bedside.

For seven days Robin remained in his coma until April 20, when he miracously awoke.

A quick check of Robin’s luck finds Luckalyzer, not only pinpointing the exact day Robin Gibb’s bad luck began, but also the exact length of it.

Take a look at Robin’s actual luck reading (users with Premier Access can run Robin’s report to verify this).

Robin Gibb's luck reading with Luckalyzer.

On the Luckalyzer chart above we see that Robin’s bad luck began on the day he fell into a coma. Notice also, his good luck (the green) started to appear the exact same day he came out of a coma.

Coincedence? We don’t think so. We see this happen way to often to just be a coincedence. Luckalyzer once again successfully pinpoints another persons bad luck.

Dead Celebrities That Ignored Luckalyzer™

All of us are destined to die someday of natural causes. That is not bad luck, just a fact of life. However, it is possible to face bad luck and have your life taken from you by “unnatural causes”. Luckalyzer can help you in these situations.

Luckalyzer is able to tell which days are the days you could die an unnatural death (caused by murder, accident, suicide, etc..). We have looked at hundreds of celebrities who have died unnaturally and over 80% had this signal.

Just having the signal does not mean you will die. You will have many signals in your lifetime. It’s just that these days are the most dangerous so be careful of your surroundings. Don’t intake too much alcohol or drugs. Don’t do any extreme sports on these days.

Here is a list of celebrities (and their true stories) who ignored Luckalyzer&#153 and met the worst luck of their lives (most all had the “Death Signal“):

Don Cornelius’s Bad Luck Causes Death

Famed Soul Train creator Don Cornelius kills himself on “deadly” bad luck day.

Lucklayzer&#153 once again pinpoints the bad luck that causes, yet another, celebrity to take his life. Take a look at this graphic representation of Don’s luck leading up to and including the day he killed himself:

Don Cornelius kills himself on deadly bad luck day

Notice how all his luck is bad (in red) and since he shot himself in the head, notice how super unlucky his Physical cycle is.

Now take a look at the next graphic. Here we have Luckalyzer&#153 intrepreting the luck for us. Luckalyzer&#153 will actually analyze and display the best and worst days so users can easily spot danger or good fortune.

Don Cornelius kills himself on unlucky day

Don Cornelius killed himself at 4 am on February 1st. Notice how the day before and the day of the suicide were both picked by Luckalyzer&#153 as a super unlucky day for his body. As you can see, Don probably contemplated killing himself on the 31st, but eventually did it a few hours later on the 1st.

How Can I Change My Luck?

Let’s face it, bad luck sucks! So if you are asking yourself, “How can I change my luck?”, you’ve come to the right place.

The best way to change your luck is having the ability to see into the future so you’ll know when bad luck is about to hit you. Knowing when it will come and what part of your life it will affect allows you to plan and prepare.

For example, if you knew that physically you were going to experience bad luck tomorrow, why would you ever want to plan a sky diving trip on that day? Cancel your plans for that day and reschedule to a physically lucky day instead to change your luck.

Luckayzer, the world’s most accurate luck analyzing software allows you to see into the future. There are many things you can do with this ability. Watch the video below to see how you can change your luck with Luckalyzer.

Sign up now to change your luck for FREE!

Congresswoman Gifford’s Life Spared

On January 8th 2011 a crazed gunman opened fire at a political rally. Many were injured and two people were killed. One of those wounded was Congresswoman Giffords who was shot in the head at point blank range.

Doctors claim she should be dead yet Gifford’s survives and continues to recover. Because of that some websites are claiming that only the anti-Christ can survive such a wound.

At Luckalyzer&#153, we know better. We know it was destiny based on Congresswoman Giffords luck as foretold by Luckalyzer&#153.

First you need to understand what the “death signal” looks like so you can easily spot it in your reports. Check out these two posts were I explain what it is based on real life cases:

How to spot the death signal.
More stars ignore death signal and die.

On the day of the fatal shooting in Tucson, Judge Roll had the death signal and as a result was killed that day.

Congresswoman Giffords luck that day, while close to a death signal, it was not. In this post I’ll explain why. Take a look at Gifford’s Luckalyzer report below:

Gifford's luck report

As you see she has a DANGER in her Physical column (row 1). Sure enough, her physical body suffered extreme damage. She also had another element of the classic death signal, a VB or D in the Emotional column within two days of her near death (row 2).

So why did she live and so many others have died? Her overall luck that day was good (of the three areas for luck, two were green that day). Most all of our other test cases that died, including Judge Roll who was shot and killed that day, had bad overall luck (two or more columns that day are red).

Of the people who die unexpectedly, most all have two or more red columns on the day of death. Usually the Emotional column is red on the day of death. In Gabrielle Giffords case, she had green in her Emotional column and overall had two green columns and one red.

It is this overall good luck that helped save her life from a point-blank gunshot wound.

Don’t be caught off guard. Join Lucklayzer&#153, the world’s most accurate luck analyzer today and start checking your luck for free.

Judge John Roll’s Tucson Shooting Death

District Judge John Roll was murdered Jan 8, 2011 during an assasination attempt on US Representative Gabrielle Gifford. Unfortunately Judge Roll ignored his Luckalyzer Reading and met his tragic death.

In these past posts I’ve examined the deaths of many singers, movie stars, and celebrities and they all have the same pattern that caused their bad luck deaths:

Judge John Roll had the same pattern when he was murdered Jan 8. See the chart below.

Judge Roll dies of bad luck

Please mark your calendars for all days that have the same pattern of a VB or D in your Emotional column. Mark that day as deadly and the two days AFTER it. Then check if you have red in one or more of the other columns, be very cautious on those days.

Sports Stars Ignore Luckalyzer And Die

In a previous post on celebrity deaths, I went over how to interpret your Luckalyzer Report to determine days where you could possibly die. In this post, I’ll examine the deaths of four sports figures who were warned of their bad luck, chose to ignore the warnings, and ended up dead.

Today we’ll examine the deaths of Thurmon Munson (catcher for NY Yankees), Fred Lane (Carolina Panthers running back), Dale Earnhardt Sr. (race car driver), and Chris Benoit (WWE wrestling star).

In the graphic below I display the Luckalyzer Charts of the four sports stars.

If you haven’t read my first post on how to determine deadly days, I suggest you do it now by clicking here:

The first sports figure, Thurmon Munson, died in a plane crash by his own hands, while learning how to land a plane. He was with two of his buddies having a good time (hence the green in Emotional), but made some stupid mistakes while landing (hence the red in Intellectual).

Thurmon’s death, along with the other three sports figures, occured two days before there was a VB or D in the Emotional column. This is the exact same signal we saw in our study of the other celebrities who died of unnatural causes.

Also, in my previous post, another consistent signal was a VB or D in the Intellectual column. You don’t see that here only because the majority of the previous celebrities died by suicide. In the above chart, only Chris Benoit died by suicide and he DOES have the VB in Intellectual.

Fred Lane was shot and killed by his wife. You can see he has red for Emotional (usually see this when spouses fight). Fred was killed during a domestic dispute with his wife (not smart to argue with your wife, especially on bad Emotional day, which is why he has red in Intellectual).

Dale Earnhardt Sr was killed while racing. he has extremely bad luck in two of his cycles but Intellectual was good. According to witnesses, his car suddenly shifted lower causng an accident that seemed to be almost over when another car slammed into his, propelling his vehicke into the wall at 180 MPH. Later investigation revealed the accident was not the fault of Dales (hence the green in Intellectual).

Chris Benoit murdered his wife and son then killed himself. Looking at his chart you can see all the red up to the days of the murders (two days before his suicide) and suicide. Chris was definately experiencing extreme bad luck which led him to kill. You can see he is the only one on our chart with all red and he is the only one on the chart to kill himself.

Once again, with these sports figures, we have seen that days where there is a VB or D in the Emotional column (on that day or within two days) there is a higher chance you will face death by unnatural causes than at any other time.

I hope this information will help you pinpoint days you could possibly die. Mark them on your calendar and then proceed with caution on those days. Don’t fight with your spouse or loved ones, and don’t do anything with a high degree of danger for those three days.

There you have it. Now you’ll be able to spot the days where you could die. However to do this you’ll need to sign up for your FREE Luckalyzer account today. Click here to sign up.