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World's Most Accurate Luck Analyzer
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It’s Superbowl time again and this year I will use Luckalyzer to handicap the game and make the following predictions:
Jim Harbaugh (12/23/1963): B D B
John Harbaugh (9/23/1962): G B D
Here we see John with a “G” for Intellectual while Jim has a “B”. Expect better decisions from John. In the third column (Emotional), we see Jim having the lesser of two evils (Bad vs Danger). Jim will probably be happier by the end of the day.
Conclusion: I would have to give the Raven’s coach the nod for best coaching.
Joe Flacco (1/16/1985): G G B
C. Kaerpernick (11/3/1987): D G G
Alex Smith (5/7/1984): G D B
Let’s start with happiness. Kaerpernick is the only one with a “G” in the third column. May or may not mean his team wins.
The second column measures Physical. Smith has a DANGER which means he could get hurt if allowed to play. The other two are in great shape.
The first column is Intelligence. Flacco will be making some great decisions while Kaerpernick may be making the wrong decisions.
Conclusion: If you go by smart plays, then Flacco and the Ravens are it.
In this post I will examine how we can use Luckalyzer to handicap and pick the winner of a boxing match, based solely on luck alone.
I went to Wikipedia and randomly chose 8 Lennox Lewis fights. In the graph below you will see the date of the fight. The outcome of the fight as well as who it was against and the opponents birthday (so you can verify these readings yourself).
I then took that info and ran the reading of how much luck each boxer would have on the night of the fight. I’ve listed Luckalyzer’s reading of each boxer as well as converting that reading into a number that can be used for comparisons (please see the chart in the upper right of the graphic). Here is how each boxer compared against the other on the night of the fight:
Now that you have data to work with, it’s time to handicap. If you use the following three rules, you would have picked all 8 winners (EVEN picking Rahmen at 20-1 to win. We cleaned up there.) :
Rule 1:
Choose the boxer that has a “G” or “VG” for the middle letter (this rates their Physical abilities). ex: on 9/24/94 above, McCall had a reading of “B G B”. The middle letter is a “G” and is thus our selection to win. NOTE: If both boxers qualify, choose the one with the higher number (found below their reading).
Rule 2:
If neither of the boxers qualified above, then look for a “G” or “VG” to be the letter on the left of the reading (this represents who will be the happiest, hence a good indicator of being the winner). ex: on 4/21/01 when the longshot Rahmen beat Lennox, Rahmen had a “G” while Lennox had a “B”. Clearly Rahmen was going to be happier that day then Lennox. And history showed that he was, after he won.
Rule 3:
If neither boxer qualifies under the above two rules, I have one more. Choose the boxer that has the most ranking points (based on the system as outlined in the graphic). If both boxers have the same points, bet on the one offering the better odds.
Summary: Following the above three rules, a bettor would have won 7 and tied on one. How well would it do on other boxers? We have not run the tests on them but you are more than welcome to run some of your own to verify the ease and simplicity of using Luckalyzer to handicap professional prize fights.
The first thing you will need is FREE Luckalyzer account. Then you can upgrade that FREE account to PREMIER ACCESS at which point you’ll be able to do readings on as many people as you want. It can be in the past or in the future. You can get all the birthdates you need off the internet and start creating your own system for beating the bookies.
Please note, just because this has worked in the past does not mean it will work in the future. Prize fights have been known to be fixed and there will always be risk.
Recently a user contacted us and asked “I was born in America and now live in Japan which is one day later, which day should I use for calculations?”.
In our post “How Does Luckalyzer Work” we discovered that life’s ups and downs are based on cycles our bodies go through. These cycles can be plotted and charted.
Therefore, we recommend you use the same timezone for both your birthdate and the date being analyzed. So if it’s the 20th in Japan but only the 19th in America, you would use the 19th’s reading if you were born in America.
In it’s very first attempt at predicting the outcome of all three Presidential Debates, Luckalyzer scored three for three. This once again proves the amazing power of this app at predicting the future of any human.
The odds of the three debates ending with Romney, Obama, Obama as the winners is 8-1. I’m not sure how much Vegas was giving on that outcome, but if you had used Luckalyzer to handicap the three debates as I did, you would have cleaned up.
I get asked all the time how this app is able to predict correctly time and again. The answer is in the medical science behind Luckalyzer. Based on the research of several doctors. We have taken that research and coded into Luckalyzer.
All I had to do was run Luckalyzer on Romney and Obama and it was easily apparent whose brain would be working better. Who was going to be the most passionate about their plans, etc. Knowing how each contestants body is going to perform, you can then just compare and see who is having the best day. That’s really all it takes to see into the future.
Here are the three predictions (made well in advance) and the results as documented by independent third parties such as Forbes and CBS:
Presidential Debate 1
Presidential Debate 2
Presidential Debate 3
Winner: OBAMA
In the graph below you’ll find the Luckalyzer readings of the two candidates on October 22, 2012.
The left column represents Intellect or Brains. We see Romney coming off as the smartest with his VG (Very Good) vs Obama’s B (Bad).
The middle column is Physical or Body. Obama appears to be in better health and Romney has a dangerous D (Danger).
The right column measures Emotions or Heart. It appears Obama wins here with his G (Good) vs Romney’s B (Bad). Obama will touch the people’s hearts better.
Overall it looks like we have Romney being the slick talker (appealing to the intellect), while Obama hits at a person’s emotions. So who will be the victor?
Luckalyzer gave Obama a B-G-G and Romney a VG-D-B. Now remember, Luckalyzer ranks in the following order: VG => G => B => VB => D.
So we see that Romney has a VG and a D. Both are on the extreme ends. So lets average these out and move the “VG” down two ranks and the “D” up two ranks.
This will now give Romney a ranking of B-B-B compared to Obama’s B-G-G. If we eliminate the “B” that both have in the first column we now see a clear winner. Obama’s G-G vs Romney’s B-B.
Now if you want to go into more details we can mix the three primary cycles. Much like you can mix the three primary colors, you can mix the three cycles to make other, more complex cycles:
Mastery (two left columns) encompasses a persons ability to succeed at tasks and to obtain what they desire. We see Romney with VG-D (median of B-B) vs Obama’s B-G. Obama’s scores 1.
Passion (two right columns) encompasses a persons motivation to act, and the drive that allows a person to continue a difficult pursuit. We see Romney with D-B vs Obama’s G-G. Obama 2, Romney 0.
Wisdom (left and right columns) is the cycle that tracks the presence of mind that a person needs to make crucial decisions. We see Romney with VG-B vs Obama’s B-G. The both have a “B” so it’s really “VG” vs “G”. This one goes to Romney.
Final score on secondaries: Obama 2 and Romney 1.
UPDATE OCTOBER 22: I did a search on Google for “who won the third presidential debate” and these two came up on top. Both claimed Obama has won as predicted by Luckalyzer.
Forbes calls Obama: http://www.forbes.com/sites/tjwalker/2012/10/22/obama-wins-the-third-presidential-debate-52-48-over-romney/
Washington Post calls Obama: http://tiny.cc/wadmmw
Over the last two weeks, Obama and Romney participated in the first two Presidential Debates. Obama won one and Romney won one. If only Obama or Romney had heard of Luckalyzer, they could have used it to ensure they won BOTH debates and ensured themselves a good chance at winning the Presidency.
Three months ago I used Luckalyzer to predict who would win the first and second Presidential Debates. Luckalyzer was correct on both predictions.
You can read the predictions here.
Romney won the first and Obama the second (according to CNBC, CBS News, Forbes). If Obama had used Luckalyzer, like I did, he would have known that on October 3 his brain was not working well and he would lose to Romney. Armed with this info, he should have rescheduled the debate to a day he was thinking better than Romney. In this fashion, Obama could have won both debates and really ensure a good lead over Romney.
BTW, same goes for Romney. If he knew in advance, like I did, that he would lose on October 16, he could have changed the day to debate to a better one.
So once again, we see more good people failing because they refused to follow the advice of Luckalyzer.
We make it so simple for you. Luckalyzer has a built-in feature that will monitor your highs and lows and warn you, in advance, of upcoming success or failure. This feature is available only to PREMIER MEMBERS.
Don’t make the same mistake President Obama or Governer Romney did. It’s not worth it. It’s only a $10 fee for a whole year of protection. Login to your account and upgrade now.
On October 16th we’ll get to see the second Presidential Debate between President Obama and challenger Mitt Romney.
Click here to read Luckalyzer’s prediction for the first presidential debate.
In the second debate, it seems we have the opposite of the first debate. President Obama will have the passion (G/B vs VB/B) and Romney will present the better arguments (G/B vs Obama’s B/B). You can view the readings in the chart below:
In the graph above there are three life cycles represented by the three columns in the row. Each column has a ranking from “VG” (Very Good) to “D” (Danger). Actual ranks are: VG – G – B – VB – D.
Overall, Obama has a B-G-B and Romney has G-VB-B. If we compare the two we can use process of elimination to see who has the edge. Both candidates have a “G”, both have a “B”. That leaves the final set.
Obama has a “B” left and Romney has a “VB”. Since B is better than VB we’ll give the nod to President Obama coming out ahead in the 2nd debate (since it is so close, there may be no clear winner).
UPDATE OCT 16 2012: The results are in and once again Luckalyzer picks the winner three months in advance. Here are the reports from various news agencies:
CNBC Viewer Poll gives it to Obama: http://www.cnbc.com/id/49432069
Forbes gives it to Obama:
CBS News gives it to Obama: http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50133279n
The Presidential Debates start on October 3rd and the whole world is waiting to see who will come out on top. Fortunately at Luckalyzer, we don’t have to wait.
We used Luckalyzer to analyze the life cycles of the two candidates, President Obama and Mitt Romney. What we wanted to know is who will speak the best on October 3rd? Which candidate is using his brain on all cyclinders?
Unfortunately, people don’t always vote for who is the slickest talker. Sometimes voters are looking for the candidate that is looking out for them. Sometimes voters look past words and look more to the action. Which candidate is more passionate about looking out for the little guy and doing the right thing.
In the graph below we ran both candidates life cycles. There are three life cycles represented by the three columns. They range from “VG” (Very Good) to “D” (Danger). Actual ranks are: VG – G – B – VB – D.
The column on the left measures how well that candidates brain will be functioning. As we see below, President Obama’s brain will be making the right moves as it has a “G” compared to Romney’s “B”.
It’s also one thing to be smart, but another to be WISE. Wisdom comes from the column on the left AND the column on the right combined. You have Obama with a G/G vs Romney’s B/VG (which averages out to G/G). It’s close but Obama gets the slight nod.
But who has the passion? Passion is measured with the center column and the right column combined. Obama has a “D” (Danger) and a “G” (Good). Romney on the other hand has a “G” and a “VG” (Very Good). That combination of G/VG is more powerful than D/G. They both have a “G”, but Romney comes out ahead with the “VG” compared to Obama’s “D”.
Since Romney wins the passion clearly, and it’s close on Wisdom, Romney gets the pick to win the first Presidential Debate.
BTW, notice how Romney has the highest ranking possible in the far right column with a “VG”? This column represents that persons emotions. On October 3rd, Romney will be much happier than President Obama. Could this mean he feels he did the best?
UPDATE: October 4th 2012, the jury is in and Romney came out the clear leader according to polls by CBS News of the most important voters, the uncommitted.
Click here to read Luckalyzer’s prediction for the second presidential debate On October 16, 2012.
It’s been two years in the making but we finally released the world’s first poker luck analyzer. Powered by Luckalyzer’s unique luck scanning engine, this great utility has the ability to compare your luck against the luck of the people at your poker table.
Perfect for home games. Only play when you are the luckiest player at the table. Watch this short video and see what TABLE SCAN can do for you:
TABLE SCAN comes free with your Premier Access pass to Luckalyzer. If you do not have Premier Access, you can click the following link to sign up for TABLE SCAN and you’ll get both for the price of one: